Ever want to escape to
Ever want to go somewhere only few people ever go & many only dream of??
MindFocus Outdoor And Adventure Offers you a chance to Discover Scuba in Paradise!!!
How about the Instructor??

Don't worry.. even though they look like a wack job, they are really professional in what they do...
and yes... they know how to have FUN..!!!
what will you get in the package?
A 3days 2 nite In Paradise including..
a PADI Discovery Scuba Lesson inclusive Marine Park Fee
2 nite stay in chalet (4 sharing, Aircond)
meal package (start dinner in 1st day and lunch on the 3rd day + 1 BBQ dinner)
boat ride form Mersing jetty to Tioman Island jetty
a hiking trip to Monkey Beach
JUST FOR RM 490/person.
so... what are you waiting for??? this offer stand until end of October!! Call US NOW!!!