Company Profile

MindFocus Resources (002059424-H)

MindFocus Resources is a company registered on 23 June 2011 under the Registration of Businesses Act 1956, the Companies Commission of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur with registration number 002059424-H.

A company wholly owned by Bumiputera and owned by a sole proprietorship by Mohd Roslan Bin Shukry who experienced in training and motivation as well as event management.

The company is primary business operation centre is at 2574, bt 18 ¾, Kuang, 48050, Rawang, Selangor  and has a registered branch in RMAF Gong Kedak Country Club, 20000, Jerteh, Terengganu.

MindFocus Resources early inception concentrate providing training programs and motivational trainers  now expanding the scope of business to supplying equipments and services.

MindFocus Resources also offers consulting services geared to the needs of all people especially who are interested to venture into the world of business including management services courses and seminars, management & research services, management servicesof human resources and training & rental and also exhibition management  services.


Become a world-class human resource development consultant that offer programs and activities that generate human capital to their optimum level.


Organizing quality training services, innovative, holistic and effective way to develop the potential and talent to achieve excellence.

Offering a variety of courses for all ages commenced from the students, teenagers, youth, workers, managers, heads of departments of the civil service and corporate sector as well as non-governmental organizations.

Conduct training in a controlled environment and fun.

Having a systematic course modules and effective to customers.

Program emphasizes strengthening the human mind.

Offering the best consultancy services according to client needs.


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