Callsign: JIEJOE
Juhairi Joha Amil Fadilah is an Associates Trainer in MindFocus Resources. He holds a Diploma in Information Technology from Universiti Industri Selangor (UNISEL) and has been
working in training environment since he started his first job in the year of
2002. He is a very people person and believes in inculcating humour in his
training to encourage people to communicate with each other.
Highlights of Professional Experience:
Placement Program: MOHE - He was one of the trainers who contributed in providing
graduates with soft skills training. He incorporated experiential learning in
Character and Attitude Building module to
transform and increase confidence and the participants’ communication
•Malaysia National Service (PLKN) - Multi Skill Trainer under
National Service since 2004. He has
delivered 6 modules namely Nation Building, Community Service, Physical,
Character Building, Value System and Cultural Changing Module. He was also the
Master Trainer in Training of Trainer (TOT) in Character Building Module.
•Biro Tatanegara (BTN) – His major task in this training is to
create awareness in understanding the importance of patriotism among the
students, graduates and government agencies.
•UiTM Finishing School
Programme - He played a major role in delivering modules
that would help to prepare graduates for employment market. The modules
delivered are Grooming, Resume Writing & Cover Letter Skills, Communication
Skills and Interview Skills. Also took part in recruitment activities during
this programme.
•PSMB – Certified Trainer by Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad since
July 2009
•SEED - One of programme
by IRDA to enhance employability development and his
to train new recruit and employees in Character and Attitude module (CATT)