There are 20 public Universities (IPTA) and hundred of colleges in Malaysia..
there are 85,448 people who graduates from IPTA in 2007, still we don't add the graduates from privates colleges, Polytechnics and Community Colleges.. and the number increases every year..
So FACE THE FACT.. there is so much competition in the job hunt out there..
So FACE THE FACT.. there is so much competition in the job hunt out there..
-A Resume is your ticket to get an interview-..
Did you know how much time an interviewer takes to read a resume?
3 minutes?
30 minutes?
30 seconds?
No.. its 3 seconds only!!
So you need to know how to make an appealing resume..
Did you know a good written cover letter is as important as a good resume but often neglected by candidates?
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or are you so naif that you think people just gonna hire you just like that..?